Eminem - "Not Afraid" Clean Cover by Sparsh Shah (PURHYTHM)

Eminem - "Not Afraid" Clean Cover by Sparsh Shah (PURHYTHM)
Hello everyone! This is Sparsh, and this my debut clean cover of Eminem's song, "Not Afraid" (with my classical touch) from his album "Recovery" as my rapper avatar, "PURHYTHM". I feel like "Not Afraid" has been my power song ever since I heard it for the first time and Eminem became my idol in the rap genre. He has inspired me so much with his powerful songs and lyrics (minus curses), and I aspire that one day, I could get to meet him and sing (or rap!) with him. It's always been my dream to inspire BILLIONS of people one day with my musical talent, and I wish that dream comes true. Please like, share, and subscribe if you liked my cover! :-) Big thanks to my parents for their support and special thanks to Pratik Shah for recording this for me at your studio! Please buy this album: "Tribute To Eminem" from http://cdbaby.com/cd/sparshshahpurhythm The proceeds from this sale will go to my college education fund. Please help me join my dream college (Berklee) as early as January 2017 at the age of 13. Please feel free to follow me on: * Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Purhythm * YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/SparshPurhythm * Twitter: http://www.twitter/SparshPurhythm * Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ShahSparsh

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